Sunday 16 May 2010

Between a rock....

Terminal acces code Carmilla D'Morenta ********, log dictation.... begin.

What have I done.....

I stood up infront of Ithiria, before her and Kaelali, Dossie and Korinne and.....

I told her the truth... that I did not want to be her submissive....

....told her what I thought of slavery....

... of holders....

... of her...

So much has brought me to this point. William for doubting my love and demanding I make a choice. Mizhara for showing me the way and explaining it like you would to a child that freedom was to be prefered to slavery. Kaelali for making me realise it was my choice.. my happiness.....

I saw the hurt on her face as I told her what I said... told her I saw things clear now.... saw the blood on her hand from the brooch she had clutched... felt her hand as she slapped my face. If her subs hadn't been in the way, threatened my life if I touched her... who knows where my anger could have taken me.

On the way out the door, with Kaelali pleading, Ithiria reminded me she had given me everything I had wanted. I told her Mizhara gave me more. Oh how that must have hurt.

What have I done.... perhaps freedom has too high a cost. But once you have tasted freedom, you cannot bare to live otherwise.....

Log pause.....

Carmilla stopped recording and turned to the door. Someone knocked again. She took out her pistol and went to the door, opening it. She smiled.
"I hadn't expected to see you here.... come in...."
She closed the door after her guest had entered and turned to face them, a smile on her face. She didn't expect the punch when it landed. Nor those that came afterwards. Eventually, her guest left.

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